Amateur Radio Communications Support Opportunity: Head Of The Charles 2023

Hi all,
If you’ve volunteered for the Head Of The Charles before then you’ve probably already seen this but if you haven’t and want to apply to be a volunteer read on!

Amateur Radio is part of the Emergency Services team for the HOCR and the shifts are as follows:

Friday, October 20, from 7:00am to 6:00pm
Saturday, October 21, from 7:00am to 6:00pm
Sunday, October 22, from 7:00am to 6:00pm

There are no partial shifts. We ask that you only apply if you’re available for the entirety of one or more of the above listed shifts.  We would like you to be able to do multiple days if possible, but we will allow single shifts. You must posses a Technician license or higher prior to your first volunteer day.

To register, go to and create an account. After logging in you will see two options for Amateur Radio: Land Station and Safety Launch. Please note that Safety Launch is on the water. I don’t believe a PIN is required anymore but if it asks it’s 5713 for all Emergency Services positions.

Finally if you happen to know any certified lifeguards that might be interested please pass the website information along.

Ethan KC1OIP
BARC Public Service Chair