Here are some suggested frequencies for the Technician POTA event at the Blue Hills State Reservation on Saturday, September 20. Frequencies in bold are where activators will start operating, and where hunters should concentrate. See also the POTA spotting site; search for BARC in the comments or park K-8402.
10 meters: Bottom of the Technician phone and image range (28.300–28.500 MHz SSB). Try 28.340 MHz. Note that 10 meter band openings are unlikely to be reliable or long due to very low solar ionizing radiation this weekend.
6 meters: Techs may use the full band, though remember only CW is permitted below 50.100 and avoid the DX window from 50.100–50.125 MHz. Try 50.130 MHz.
2 meters: 146.520*, 146.535, 146.550, 146.565, 146.580, 146.595, 147.405, 147.420†, 147.435, 147.450, 147.465, 147.480, 147.495, 147.525, 147.540, 147.555, 147.570, 147.585 (*National call frequency, †BARC simplex frequency.) If the activator is not having much luck, we will also try the national call frequency of 146.520 MHz.
70 centimeters: 445.9125, 445.9250, 445.9375, 445.9500, 445.9625, 445.9750, 446.0000*, 446.0125, 446.0250, 446.0375, 446.0500, 446.0625, 446.0750, 446.0875, 446.1000, 446.1125, 446.1250, 446.1375, 446.1500, 446.1625, 446.1750 (*National call frequency.) If the activator is not having much luck, we will also try the national call frequency of 446.0000 MHz.