Fred Kemmerer, AB1OC, writes:
The pre-contact program for our upcoming ISS contact at the BIG E will begin at 1:20 pm ET on Tuesday, September 27. Our astronaut will be Bob Hines, KI5RQT. Our ground station for this contact will be ON4ISS in Belgium.
Parking and the walk to The BIG E arena will take some time so be sure to get there early. Remember to bring a printed official copy of your Amateur Radio license and you and up to 3 family and friends will get free admission to The BIG E on contact day.
The arena will hold well over 1,000 people. The BIG E is helping us to publicize the event and arrange for TV coverage for the program and the contact. We would appreciate everyone’s help in getting the word out!
Our pre-contact program will begin with a series of videos about space, NASA, ARISS, going to Mars, and more. Our pre-contact program speakers will include:
- Gene Cassidy, CEO Eastern States Exposition
- David Minster, CEO ARRL
- Fred Kemmerer, Director ARRL New England Division
- Bob Phinney, President New England Sci-Tech
We hope to see you and many folks across the New England and Hudson Division at the BIG E next Tuesday!