BARC VE Session, Monday, July 10, 7:30 pm

The Boston Amateur Radio Club will be holding a volunteer exam session on Monday, July 10, 2023, at 7:30 pm at Artisans Asylum, 96 Holton St., Boston, MA 02135. This is in the Allston neighborhood; directions are here.

We give exams for all licensing levels: Technician, General, and Amateur Extra. The test fee is $15, and if you pass an exam, you can take the exam for the next higher level without paying an additional fee. More information can be found here.

Testing is by reservation only; we cannot take walk-ins. To reserve a spot or if you have questions, please contact Joe Chapman, NV1W, at

Also, please note that the question pool for the General exam will change on July 1, so in the July 10 session we will be using the new General tests.