BARC General Meeting, Thursday, Sep. 21, 7:30 pm

There will be a BARC General Meeting on Thursday, September 21, both at the Artisans Asylum Holton St. building and on Zoom. A period of socializing will start at 7:00, and the meeting proper will start at 7:30.

Our speaker will be John Portune, W6NBC, and he will be talking about: A Double Inverted Delta No-Radial All-Band HF Vertical. A 30 ft, lower, horizontally polarized vertical with the azimuth gain less noticeable but comparable to a small beam on a tower but with similar electrically-steerable azimuth gain. Excellent for Field Day and portable operation.

Information about John:
– Licensed Advanced WB6ZCT 1965 Extra 1972 Commercial Licenses: GROL, General Radio Telegraph
– Bachelor’s degree, Physics, Oregon State University 1960
– Career (Retired) Television broadcast engineer/instructor KNBC Ch 4 Los Angeles, Sony Broadcast
– San Francisco Ham magazine author: QST/OTA (over 35 to date) and others
– Frequent Zoom live radio club and ham expo presentations
– Active on HF, VHF, UHF – SSB, FM, digital modes and ham satellites
– Native of Los Angeles, CA 10 yr. resident of UK. Ham license MØGCK
– Married KF6OEB. 3 children, 12 grandchildren
– Steam railroading, pipe organ and sushi enthusiast
–, website:

Here is the Zoom information. As always, if we have problems with the meeting, we will post any updates on this website.

Meeting ID: 817 3252 2755
Passcode: BARC