BARC General Meeting, Thursday, Feb. 15, 7:30 pm

The Boston Amateur Radio Club will hold its February meeting on Thursday, February 15, at the Artisans Asylum in Allston and on the Zoom platform. The meeting will begin at 7:30 pm EST, preceded by a half hour of socializing.

The agenda will be a recap on Winter Field Day as well as discussing some new interests from club members in classes and activities for BARC to host and participate in. We welcome all members of the club to bring ideas and thoughts about interesting events new or old, that we as a club can host or help facilitate. These events are for the benefit of YOU our distinguished membership. We especially welcome input from those rarely seen at club meetings or events, let us know what gets you excited about Ham Radio and what we as a club can do to support, host or facilitate and event or activity that you would love to go to.

As always, when attending via Zoom, set your name to your name plus call sign (if you have one) so everyone will know who you are.

Zoom information:
Meeting ID: 860 0184 6590
Passcode: BARC