BARC General Meeting, April 18

The Boston Amateur Radio Club will have its regular General Meeting Thursday, April 18, at both Artisans Asylum and Zoom. We will begin with a period of socializing at 7:00 and the meeting proper will begin at 7:30.

We will be taking a second vote on the following Bylaws amendment, increasing the amount of an expenditure an individual Officer (i.e., President, Vice President, Treasurer, or Secretary) may authorize:

Article IV, Section 1 (Fiscal Matters of the Club), “Expenditure Authorizations”, is amended as follows: The sentence “An individual Officer may authorize the expenditure of up to $100 dollars.” is replaced with “An individual Officer may authorize the expenditure of up to $250 dollars.”

Zoom information:

Meeting ID: 827 1420 7849
Passcode: BARC