BARC General Meeting, Thursday, October 17

The Boston Amateur Radio Club will have its regular General Meeting Thursday, October 17, at both Artisans Asylum and Zoom. We will begin with a period of socializing at 7:00 and the meeting proper will begin at 7:30.

Our speaker will be Tom Frenaye, K1KI, a candidate for Director of the New England Region of the American Radio Relay League. All are welcome to join us, even if you are not yet a member of the club or are not yet licensed.

Zoom meeting info:
Meeting ID: 892 5271 1947
Passcode: BARC

BARC General Meeting, Thursday, September 19

The Boston Amateur Radio Club will have its regular General Meeting Thursday, September 19, at both Artisans Asylum and Zoom. We will begin with a period of socializing at 7:00 and the meeting proper will begin at 7:30.

Our speaker will be Fred Kemmerer, AB1OC, the Director for the New England Region of the American Radio Relay League. All are welcome to join us, even if you are not yet a member of the club or are not yet licensed.

Zoom Meeting ID: 826 7330 6804 Passcode: BARC

POTA Outing, Saturday, July 27, Herter Park

BARC will be having a summer Parks on the Air (POTA) outing on Saturday, July 27, beginning at 10:00 am at Herter Park (part of the Charles River Reservation, park US-8405) in Allston. The location is reasonably accessible using the T, and there is free parking.

Bring yourself and a radio if you have one, and lunch or refreshments. For newcomers to POTA, we can help you activate your first park. You are encouraged to visit the POTA website to review the rules and sign up.

The goal is to have some fun, play some radio, get on and learn HF, especially if you’ve never done so before.

For more information or if you have questions, contact Brendan, NW1S, at

Field Day, June 22—23

BARC will be gathering for Field Day this year at Hale Education in Westwood. This annual event, held on the third full weekend in June, is part contest, part open house, part emergency exercise, part camping trip, and all a lot of fun. People who aren’t yet members of BARC, or who even aren’t yet licensed, are welcome to join us.

The operating period runs from 2 pm on Saturday until 2 pm on Sunday, and will be preceded by setup and followed by teardown. We will have four HF stations in operation, and in keeping with the emergency preparedness theme, power will be provided by generators. Single sideband voice, CW (Morse code), and various digital modes will be used. If you’re licensed but haven’t operated much (or at all), this is a great opportunity to get started on HF.

There will be food and drinks available.

The ARRL Field Day page is here. Directions to Hale Education are here. Talkaround will be on 147.420 MHz simplex. For more information, contact us at

BARC General Meeting, Thursday, June 20

The Boston Amateur Radio Club will have its regular General Meeting Thursday, June 20, at both Artisans Asylum and Zoom. We will begin with a period of socializing at 7:00 and the meeting proper will begin at 7:30.

This is the annual elections meeting. So far, the following slate of candidates is running:

  • President: Brendan Baldonado, NW1S
  • Vice President: Joe Harris, N1QD
  • Treasurer: Mark Duff, KB1EKN
  • Secretary: Joe Chapman, NV1W

Further nominations may be made from the floor. A candidate must be a member of the club in good standing and hold a current amateur radio license of any class.

Zoom meeting link:

Meeting ID: 821 0772 5631
Passcode: BARC